Conclo Technologies

Home Case Studies Unlocking the Power of Social Media for Exceptional Customer Experiences

Unlocking the Power of Social Media for Exceptional Customer Experiences

Streamlining Social Media Management for Peak Performance


  • Increased Productivity by 300%

    Social Studio’s unified platform allowed the customer service team to manage multiple social channels effectively, resulting in a 300% increase in overall productivity.

  • Faster Response Times

    By streamlining workflows and automating tasks, the company achieved a significant reduction in response time to customer inquiries on social media, leading to higher customer satisfaction.

  • Improved Customer Retention

    By actively listening to customer feedback and promptly addressing concerns, the company saw a positive impact on customer retention rates.

Client Profile

Our client is a frontrunner in the ecommerce  industry, renowned for prioritizing exceptional customer service. This medium-sized company with a global presence offers a wide variety of products and takes pride in building personalized customer journeys.

Business Challenges

In the Ecommerce  sector, the client faced critical challenges:

  • Social Media Overload: Managing multiple social media platforms can be difficult.
  • Engagement Hurdle: Capturing, monitoring, and responding to conversations across social media is tricky.
  • Slow Problem Solving: Delays in addressing customer issues on social media can lead to frustration.
  • Limited Feedback: Difficulty in gathering real-time customer feedback from social media channels.

CONCLO Technologies Solution

CONCLO Technologies took charge and provided a comprehensive solution:

  • Unified Social Management: Enable Salesforce Social Studio within Salesforce Service Cloud to track and manage all social media platforms in one place.
  • Actionable Insights: Gain valuable insights into consumer buying trends through Reports & Dashboards, allowing you to track website and social media traction.
  • Automated Workflows: Implement Web-to-Lead, Email-to-Lead, and custom process automations to streamline lead tracking and increase service agent productivity.

Tech-stacks Used

Sales Cloud, Salesforce Platform, Salesforce Social Studio.

Business Outcomes

This collaboration resulted in substantial benefits:

  • Enhanced Productivity: Social Studio allows the customer service team to focus on each social media channel efficiently.
  • Improved Customer Satisfaction: Quicker response to product inquiries fosters better customer engagement and team productivity.
  • Increased Customer Retention: By actively listening to customer feedback, the company can retain its core customer base.

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