Conclo Technologies

Home Case Studies Revolutionizing Manufacturing Sales with Salesforce Integration

Revolutionizing Manufacturing Sales with Salesforce Integration

Boosting Account Management, Lead Conversion, and Customer Experience for a Top Manufacturer


  • Optimized Lead Conversion

    Standardized lead conversion processes reduced the average conversion time by 30% and improved conversion rates by 20%, resulting in better pipeline management and revenue optimization.

  • Account-Based Visit Tracking

    Salesforce allowed for efficient tracking of client visits, giving sales teams a comprehensive view of their engagements and improving relationship management.

  • Comprehensive Product and Price Book Management

    Salesforce provided a centralized system for managing product catalogs and price books, accommodating various pricing strategies, and enhancing product information management.

Client Profile

The client stands as one of the leading manufacturing companies globally. Their developments span across various companies worldwide, highlighting their commitment to excellence and innovation in every project. Consistently ranked among the top manufacturing companies globally.

Business Challenges

In the Manufacturing sector, the client faced critical challenges:

  • Account Generation from Website and Other Sources: Difficulty in generating and managing leads from the website, ensuring a steady flow of qualified accounts, and accurately tracking interests and preferences.
  • Managing the Opportunity Sales Pipeline: Maintaining accurate data, ensuring visibility, and managing leads through the pipeline to prevent misinformed decisions and missed opportunities.
  • Product and Pricebook Management: Managing complex product attributes and variations, ensuring up-to-date information, and maintaining consistency in product and pricing data.

CONCLO Technologies Solution

CONCLO Technologies took charge and provided a comprehensive solution:

  • Salesforce Account Generation: Integrated account management with lead and opportunity processes, ensuring the creation or linking of account records upon lead conversion. Enhanced account records with enriched data for better sales and marketing activities.
  • Enhanced Opportunity Sales Pipeline: Optimized sales processes, leveraged automation, and utilized data insights for efficient pipeline management. Maintained clean and accurate data and implemented lead qualification processes.
  • Improved Product and Pricebook Management: Centralized product catalogues, utilized custom fields for product attributes, implemented dynamic price book management, and regularly updated product and pricing data.

Tech-stacks Used

Sales Cloud, Salesforce Platform.

Business Outcomes

This collaboration resulted in substantial benefits:

  • Improved Account Generation: Customized account creation processes to capture essential data, tracked lead sources accurately, and utilized campaign attribution features to evaluate marketing effectiveness.
  • Enhanced Sales Pipeline Management: Provided tools for tracking opportunities, forecasting sales, and analyzing pipelines. Enabled sales reps to manage opportunities effectively and sales managers to make informed decisions.
  • Improved Product and Pricebook Management: Refined data models, simplified pricing structures, updated price book entries, and automated price updates, ensuring accurate and consistent pricing information.

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