Conclo Technologies

Home Case Studies Empowering Product Engineering and Cloud Solutions with CONCLO Technologies

Empowering Product Engineering and Cloud Solutions with CONCLO Technologies

Streamlining Sales Processes for Enhanced Customer Engagement


  • 422% Increased Customer Engagement

    Leads to faster agent response times, boosting customer satisfaction and engagement.

  • 260% Improved Sales Performance and Goal Tracking:

    Sales dashboards with personalized targets and progress insights motivate salespeople and improve performance.

  • 360° Customer View

    Salesforce automates social lead capture, giving salespeople a complete customer view.

Client Profile

This Client specializing in product engineering and cloud solutions. They are facing challenges in streamlining lead capture, centralizing customer data, empowering salespeople, and ultimately driving improved customer engagement and sales performance.

Business Challenges

Our client encountered difficulties:

  • Social Media Management: Monitoring and responding to social media conversations was difficult.
  • Inefficient Target Setting: The client’s system made it difficult to set and track sales targets effectively.
  • Lead Capture: No unified system to track website & social media leads.
  • Reporting and Analytics: The client lacked reports and dashboards to analyse sales performance.

CONCLO Technologies Solution

CONCLO Technologies took charge and provided a comprehensive solution:

  • Facebook Lead Capture: Automates Facebook lead capture for a complete customer view.
  • Web-to-Lead & Email-to-Lead: These features automatically create leads in Salesforce from website and email inquiries, saving salespersons time on data entry.
  • Custom Process Automation: Salesforce lets you automate tasks like lead nurturing, opportunity creation, and task assignment based on triggers.
  • Sales Targets and Management: Salesforce supports setting sales targets and tracks progress, fostering accountability and performance analysis.
  • Custom Reports & Dashboards: Building custom reports and dashboards in Salesforce provides valuable insights into sales activities.

Tech-stacks Used

Sales Cloud, Salesforce Platform.

Business Outcomes

This collaboration resulted in substantial benefits:

  • Automated lead capture and improved customer view: Salesforce’s Facebook Lead Capture automates lead capture and gives salespeople a 360-degree customer view, including social media activity.
  • Centralized data storage and accurate reporting: Centralized data in Salesforce enables accurate reports and dashboards.
  • Improved sales performance and goal tracking: Salesperson dashboards with target vs. achievement insights help them improve performance.
  • Increased customer engagement: Faster web responses and centralized inquiry management improve customer engagement.

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