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Home Case Studies Transforming Property Development Sales with Salesforce

Transforming Property Development Sales with Salesforce

Revolutionizing Lead Management for a Property Development Firm


  • 100% Faster Lead Reaction

    Leads from website and campaigns are captured instantly, putting salespeople in touch with potential customers faster.

  • Smart on Social Media

    Custom solutions fuel direct social media interaction, giving salespeople a clear understanding of customer needs.

  • Say Goodbye to Lost Leads!

    Tasks ensure efficient lead nurturing, preventing drop-off.

Client Profile

Our client offers a diverse range of property development services, including plots, individual houses, villas, and gated communities. Their unwavering commitment to enhancing lead management led to the implementation of a robust Salesforce system.

Business Challenges

In the Real Estate sector, the client faced critical challenges:

  • Limited Lead Visibility: Scattered lead data from various sources made it difficult to identify the best.
  • Inefficient Assignment: Assigning leads and tracking progress lacked transparency, hindering accountability and performance measurement.
  • Silent Social Media: No direct communication with prospects on social media meant missed engagement and unclear budgets, hindering sales.
  • Unmonitored Field Activity: Unmonitored spots in salesperson activity meant the client couldn’t optimize lead targeting.

CONCLO Technologies Solution

CONCLO Technologies developed a methodical approach:

  • Sales Cloud Campaigns: We leverage Sales Cloud Campaigns to track leads by campaign, pinpointing the most effective marketing initiatives.
  • Web-to-Lead Capture: A custom Web-to-Lead Solution ensures all website and campaign leads are captured directly in Salesforce.
  • Smart Lead Routing: Our custom solution ensures leads reach the right salesperson at the right time.
  • Task Management: Salesforce automates tasks, ensuring salespeople are notified of upcoming site visits and other essential activities.
  • Actionable Insights: Custom dashboards provide insightful sales data (e.g., site visits, lead sources, bookings) to empower data-driven decisions.

Tech-stacks Used

Sales Cloud, Salesforce Platform.

Business Outcomes

The results of this collaboration were astounding:

  • Improved lead conversion: Faster lead follow-up with a web-to-lead solution can boost conversion rates.
  • Clearer visibility: The CRM system likely improved sales managers’ pipeline visibility.
  • Reduced lead loss: The CRM system’s tools likely helped salespersons’ track leads more efficiently, reducing lead loss.
  • Improved sales performance: Sales manager visibility into salesperson activity (meetings, bookings, site visits) helped improve sales performance.

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