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Home Case Studies Finding Your Perfect Match, Faster: Streamlined Matchmaking With Salesforce

Finding Your Perfect Match, Faster: Streamlined Matchmaking with Salesforce

Personalized Matchmaking Service


  • 360° Customer View

    Salesforce provides a comprehensive view, leading to faster deal closures.

  • 400% Boost in Lead Conversions

    Automated lead-to-salesperson matching optimizes the sales process.

  • 430% Increase in Speed and Efficiency

    Enhanced productivity and data-driven insights enable quicker and smarter decisions.

Client Profile

Our client, a personalized matchmaking service, sought a time-saving and effective solution to streamline their sales process, improve efficiency, and make informed decisions to boost sales success.

Business Challenges

In the BFSI sector, the client faced critical challenges:

  • Ineffective Lead Qualification: Prospects from the website weren’t properly qualified, indicating issues with lead capture forms or lead scoring rules.
  • Misaligned Lead Assignment: Poor lead data in existing system, resulted incorrect lead assignments.
  • Lack of Sales Visibility: Limited insights into the sales pipeline hampered senior management’s ability to make data-driven decisions.
  • Reporting Needs: Requiring detailed management and operational reports.

CONCLO Technologies Solution

CONCLO Technologies took charge and provided a comprehensive solution:

  • Sales Cloud: Salesforce platform to manage the sales process efficiently.
  • Salesforce CPQ (Configure, Price, and Quote): Automates product configuration, pricing, and quoting, streamlining the sales quoting process.
  • Sales Cloud Lead Assignment: Automatically routes website leads to the most qualified salesperson based on custom criteria.
  • Tasks and Appointments Tracking: Helps salespeople stay organized with tools to track tasks and appointments.
  • Reports and Dashboards: Offers senior management valuable insights into the sales pipeline for better decision-making.
  • Training Support: Support and provide training to key users before handover.

Tech-stacks Used

Salesforce Sales Cloud, Salesforce Platform

Business Outcomes

This collaboration resulted in substantial benefits:

  • 360° View: Sales Cloud provided senior management with a comprehensive view of the sales pipeline, enabling informed decisions.
  • Right Leads, Right People: Automated assignment ensured leads were directed to the most qualified salespeople, maximizing conversion potential.
  • Faster Deals, Smarter Decisions: Streamlined workflows improved productivity and provided data-driven insights, leading to quicker deal closures and better decision-making.

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